Monday, August 30, 2010


Lists. Something my mom LOVES. Something that I'm far from fond of. Something that I've found myself mentally making since the first day I arrived here. What do I like, what do I not like. What do I miss, what do I not miss. My momma would be so proud :) So here are some of the things I've come up with thus far.

What I Like About Having My Own Place:
1.) Not to beat a dead horse but- My Very Own Fridge
2.) I no longer have to hide the fact that I prefer to drink milk straight outta the carton (sorry past roomies, a habit I never could seem to brake)
3.) The argument over who's turn it is to do the dishes is only between me, myself, and I
4.) Only having to clean up after myself (although I am quite messy)
5.) When I stay up way to late to watch a silly girl movie like 'Steel Magnolias' or 'Sleepless in Seattle' there's no one to judge me :)
6.) No dress code. We'll just leave it at that.

Things I Miss About Kansas City:
1.) My roomies- even thought I am enjoying living alone, I was most definitely blessed with the best roomie experiences ever, all of them were fabulous!
2.) My friends, but that's a given
3.) BBQ!!! Not smelling like it 5 out of the 7 days in a week, but definitely eating it
4.) Sara Lee bread- I mean come on, Wegman's is awesome and all, but no Sara Lee bread?!?
5.) Totino's frozen pizza- I would buy these because they are the perfect size and I could eat a whole one for a meal, but I didn't look like a loser or a fatty buying them because there was at least the assumption that I could share. Now if I want pizza, I have to buy 'Celeste- Pizza For One' which is basically broadcasting the fact that I'm about to go home to my tiny apartment and devour the whole thing alone, while probably watching a silly girl movie (refer too #5 above for examples)
6.) And church, of course church.

It's here that I will insert what I've noticed from visiting churches the past three weeks. The first two churches I went to asked new visitors to please stand up so they could greet you. Really, it took enough courage to come in and seat yourself in the back row praying that you didn't take someone's unofficial assigned seat that they haven't moved from in the past 20 years till you showed up. Then they want you to stand so that person can get a good look at you and make sure you never steal their seat again. I don't think so. Ok, ok, so maybe that was a bit dramatic, but really, being called out in a group of people you don't know, for whatever reason, is totally horrifying, at least for me. I did, however, appreciate the, "Now turn and shake the hand of someone you don't know." At KCBT I would be searching, straining my eyes for someone new, but now I turn in every direction eager for a less humiliating way than previously stated to meet people. Yesterday, I found my way to a really nice church. The praise was great, as was the preaching. People actually brought their bibles and (gasp) opened them. Buuuuuut, there was no, 'Turn to your neighbors and say hello!' and I was hit with a sudden bout of shyness, so I met no one. I'll most likely go back, but I wish at least one person would have introduced themselves to me! So I say all that to say this, make your visitors feel welcome, not humiliated, and get out of your comfort zone and introduce yourself to at least one new person every week. I know from experience, it'll mean the world to them! 

Friday, August 27, 2010

Gettin Settled

So I'm here!!! I've officially been a resident of Rochester, NY for 17 days now, although it doesn't feel like I've here anymore than 3. So far I've determined that the city is lovely. Especially the weather. I don't think it's broke 85 since I've been here, and I've donned a hoodie more than once. My anticipated 'tiny' studio turns out not be that tiny. Well, it's still tiny, but just right for me. In fact, you can do a cartwheel in the middle if you like! I know because I just did one (I've recently adopted the cartwheel scale to determine the size of any given room, I think it'll go mainstream soon). My mom worked her tail off to make it feel like home for me. She did everything from hanging pictures and perfect red curtains, to stocking my fridge full of goodies. Can I repeat, my fridge. A whole refrigerator just for me. Now that's a little nuts :) Here are some pictures of the place. I still need to add somethings to the walls, but I think it's looking pretty darn great for only being a 2 1/2 weeks in.

Here's the before.

 I was told that the piece of wood on the wall was to hang a flat screen TV on. Instead, I hung a huge mirror there. I guess I'd rather look at myself than most of the things you see on TV these days. Not quite sure what that says about me haha.

A before of the kitchen area.

After, the view as you walk in.
 This is after a little hard work by my mom and I, but mostly my mom. And didn't I tell ya the red curtains were great!

The sleeping quarters....or the other side of the room haha
 You may not believe it, but my mom and I built that futon with only our bare hands and a flower handled screwdriver. You don't have to tell me you're impressed. I already know. Also, Kit's picture she drew/painted for me looks super great right there doesn't it!

The kitchen
Please note that my mom took the time to put hooks on the wall for my towels and pot holders. Wow. And also, Galamo roomies, you are well represented on the fridge (my fridge, oh I just like typing that)

The wall opposite my desk
The bookshelf was also built by my mother and I, but once again, mostly by my mother. Also, there is the one project I've completed since I've been here- The Wall of Frame (close up below)

The Wall of Frame
I got this idea from a friends house out in Colorado a couple of years ago. The had one huge frame with a bunch of little frames inside it. I'm too cheep for that. So we found a very large and very ugly painting of a sailboat for $5 at a thrift store and ripped the painting out and hung just the frame on the wall. I then added some of my fav black and white pics printed out either from Kodak with a white boarder (aka. my cheap version of a frame) or used ones I'd developed in photography class last fall. I'm kinda in love with it :)

So there you have it. A little sneak peek into my world here in Rochacha. In my truest attempt to make it feel like home, I've got a loaf of banana bread baking right now (smells glorious) and am looking forward to a night of eating and book reading. And I'm pretty sure a package full of my moms cookies just arrived as well :) Gonna be a good good night!