Thursday, April 14, 2011


Oh. My. Lanta. I don't think I've ever been so ready for a break! My poor lil brain is just barely producing enough brain juices to sustain life at this point ;) Ok so maybe it's not that bad, but I am sincerely excited to have all of next week off! I've got a ton of fun things planned for the weekend with friends here, and then on Monday I'm off to the STL to see the most fabulous Erica Oppelz. We plan to sleep, eat, and do nothing of significance for my whole trip. So pumped!
As for the internship, it's going really well. The kids all seem to know that a break is coming so they have gone a little more nuts than usual, but ya gotta just go with it. I had a group earlier today where my 3 students were simultaneously scripting (repeating phrases they've heard as a vocal stimulation). One student was saying, "I want to go on the bus" mind you it was 9 am, poor guy, the other was saying, "No music tomorrow" and we are all grateful that she in fact does not have music tomorrow, and the last was just saying, "No, no, no, no...." Can't you just picture me sitting there clutching my guitar with a smile plastered on my face attempting to regain control. My supervisor just looked up and laughed :) Thankfully, they finally calmed down, juuuuuust in time for me to sing the "Goodbye Song". Figures.
I'm hoping this break will give me the refreshment I need to think of some new songs and strategies so I don't bore the poor kids with the same thing over and over! I also hope it will give me the motivation to find a job....ya it's for sure that time.....I'll take all the prayers I can get in that department. Specifically, that it would pay insanely well and be located in a tropical area.....ok ok, just kidding. How about that it would pay well enough, and that it would be working with kids with special needs. Those are really my only two requirements :)
So just one more day to get through! Thinking about doing a musical obstacle course with my augmented music ed. class in the morning, we'll see how that goes :) Oh, also, I learned a fabulous new technique from my supervisor about how to get my classes quiet and calm: simply challenge them to see who can hold their breathe for a full minute. Worked like a charm.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

So I Truly Am A Blog Slacker....

I'm really not good at keeping up with this thing am I? Apologies to all those who asked me to write it so that they could keep up with me while I'm out east, I'm failing miserably. But, the good thing is that the reason I haven't posted in so long is that I've been busy, and not just with school work....I HAVE FRIENDS haha. But seriously, it's great to have people to hang out with on the weekends and things to do. It's especially for when I'm avoiding all the work I have, because when I'm home alone, I really have no excuse :) February was fabulous! We finally had out Blacklight Show at school, which we've been rehearsing the kids for since about Thanksgiving, and it was sooooooo great! I had a week off for February break, something that I think should catch on in the Midwest for sure. The beautiful, talented, and lovely Ms. Chloie Asbury came to visit, and we had an awesome time! Pictured below are some of our gully travels....

We went to CANADA!!! Ok, so we only just crossed the border to look at Niagara Falls, but it was still exciting!

Told ya she was beautiful! Starbucks is gonna steal this pic and ppl will be rushing the doors

I got jiggy wit it. Typical.

We made my first ever pie. It was apple. And delicious!
Like I said, we had a blast! I went to Erie, PA at the end of the break to see my grandma, aunt and uncle. It was so refreshing! I just got to hang out with my grandma and help her run some errands. We cooked and she gave a run for my money more than once while playing Skip-Bo! And my aunt and uncle prepared an amazing meal for me, complete with steaks that my uncle had to shovel a path through about 15 inches of snow to grill. All because I'm a Kansas girl :) It was so nice to be around family, even if just for a couple days!

School is great, crazy as usual, but great! I love my students and am realizing how VERY much I will miss them with my internship comes to an end. Which also gets me thinking about the fact that I'll be needing a job here in about 6 months! All spare prays available, please send up for me and the job realm! I'm confident that it will all work out, it's just getting from here to there that can be rough :)

I'll end with a cute story from school. I'm walking down the hall the other day, and I see two students headed my way. One is a big kid, I'm talkin at least a head and half taller than me. The other just a little tiny guy, probably up to my shoulder. They are laughing about something, and the big kid looks down at the little one and says, "You're my beeeest friend!" and the little replied with a smile, "Your MY beeest friend!" Cutest. Thing. Ever. I love my life :)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Halfway There....

So Friday was officially the halfway point of my internship. I can't believe it! All the things that I've done and learned in the last 6 months have totally blown my mind and reshaped the way I think about music therapy and myself as a music therapist. I can't even start to imagine having to leave all of my students in June. I'm gonna cry. Without a doubt. I thought now would be a good time to list some of my most memorable moments of my internship thus far, just in case I ever feel myself starting to forget them :) So here they are, in no particular order.
  •  Teaching some of my middle school boys with autism how to do the chicken dance, they just couldn't get the shimmy part at the end no matter how hard they tried to model me, hilarious.
  • When one of my lower functioning students that I had been struggling to make a connection with all year, suddenly played the tambourine through 3 whole rounds of 'Feliz Navidad".
  • When a student finally got the concept of asking a new friend for their name after I had gone over it for like four consecutive sessions, I think I screamed I was so excited.
  • When my supervisor, the students aide, and I stationed ourselves around the room holding out paddle drums and the student weaved through us smacking the drums like he was in a pinball machine, laughin up a storm.
  • How every time I pull out a book with my group of first grade boys, one of the boys eyes physically bug out of his head because he's so excited.
  • How one of my students bursts into the room smiling and yelling for EVERY session, because he's so excited for music.
  • I once asked the same student mentioned just above to use his Dyna-Vox (a little computer like device to help him communicate) to tell me what he wanted to do in music. One week he said, "I want wild animals" the next he said, "I want macaroni".
  • When I was working with a student on the concepts of fast and slow, I started strumming and singing really fast, and she had a giggle-fest so violent I thought she was going to fall out of her wheel chair.
  • When we decided to do a wheel chair dancing activity with my medically fragile class, and they were all laughing and smiling more than I had ever seen before.
  • When a student who had been working on breath support finally got her party blower to unroll all the way and squealed with glee.
  • When a student grabbed my hand in the middle of the session and wouldn't let it go for anything. He also squeezed my cheeks together and giggled the next session.
  • When a student quite a bit bigger than me got a little too into our dancing-fest and jumped up in an attempt to chest bump me.
  • When a student that I had only seen be extremely violent with her peers, independently volunteered to share her instrument. My supervisor and I both about fell out of our chairs.
  • How students will stop by the music room just to say hello, or tell something exciting about their weekend, or bring up left over cupcakes..... music teachers are the best you know.
  • How I have one student who is very volatile and misbehaved in every other context of school but music, and how now she will do her work and cooperate just to be able to come up to the room for extra music time. Also, how I was the only person working with this student who had an abundance of positive things to say about her. With out music, her outlook in school was pretty bleak.
I think that the list could go on forever and ever, but I guess I'll stop there. Basically, I've seen what the  power of music can do in peoples lives and what it can do in my my life through them. It's been such and extreme blessing so far and I can't wait to see what else is in store for me in the next 5 months! And then it's off to the real world...AHHHH

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Blog Slacker

Soooooo as of late, I've been told by various people, using varying terms, that I am what I fear. A blog slacker. I mean, seeing as I didn't even post in December, they were basically stating the obvious ha. So here I am, in the first week of January posting it up! Look at me go! All 3 of you reading this are so excited I know it!!! My Christmas break was fantastically too short. I filled it with my three favorite "f's"- family, friends, and food, with a side of sleep. I was in Springfield, MO a couple days at my bro's, who is actually quite the host. 
My pops, dog Roxy, and I just chillin gangsta style at my bro's
We sung down to Branson for my mom's bday, had a blast watching some Chinese acrobatics, which my mom attempted to replicate later that evening :) 
My mommie and I on her bday in Branson
I kicked my brother's butt at Wii bowling. I think this is my first ever documented victory over him in all of my 24 years. 
Of course I took a pic of the score board.
He's really good at winning. Except when it come's to Catch Phrase. Next we journeyed across the great state of Kansas to U-town where I saturated my self in Mexican food from El Ranchito, my favorite place to eat when I go home. The rest of the time I pretty much sat in my dad's huge recliner with my mom's new electric blanket while my parents ran around and took care of me, gloriousness. So good to be home with my amazing family. I hitched a ride with the awesome Romero family up to Kansas City. I bonded with the family by singing 70's songs with Major Romero :) and poking Kit over and over in the back seat for 7+ hours. Once I got to KC, I was on a mission to see as many people as I could in about 72 hours, and I think I did a pretty good job! I got to breakfast with the fabulous Meredith Henderson, who was just about to leave for her internship in Iowa City (where's she's gonna be amazing). So great to catch up with someone with the same passion as me! I headed down to the Roasterie, one of the best places in all of KC, and had coffee with the one and only Mackenzie Gamble. She has the uncanny ability to make me feel extremely important and encouraged every time I talk to her. Love that girl. It was New Years Eve so I crashed a party full of fabulous people, some I knew from church, and some that were gracious enough to let me join and occasionally laugh at my jokes :) Later that night (or more like early the next morning) I got to pick on Kit a little bit more, which always puts a smile on my face. New Years day I grabbed lunch with one of the people I've known the longest in KC, Christina Munford. I truly appreciate people like her. We always have great conversation, she gives me like 12 new artist to listen to that I always love, and most of all, when we talk, she genuinely listens. People that listen are hard to come by these days! Later, I journeyed back to the Roasterie for a LONG overdue reunion with Lauren Hays. It was so great to hear all about her life and her ministry with Campus Crusade in Orlando, and it was also great to rock out to Katy Perry's 'Firework' in her mom's awesome car haha. That night I got to spend some quality time with my old roomie Kasha Seaver, felt sooooo good to just hang out and do nothing with her like we used too probably too frequently. We watched 'Salt'. It was just as disappointing as I expected. We finished out the night at the Flying Saucer with some more great friends and great salsa (that ended up all over my shirt, surprise surprise). I couldn't leave KC with out having some quality Leah Fields time, so we grabbed coffee before church. I'm telling you, that girl is like a breath of fresh air, you talk to her and instantly feel relaxed. We got to talk about her wedding just a tiny bit, and I'm soooooo excited for her, it's gonna be amazing! And then I got to go a little bit of church and had to jet to the airport (get it, jet). So now you know what I mean when I say fantastically too short. And I didn't even get to mention all the places I crashed each night haha. But it really was a great little break. And now I'm back to the real world and tons and tons of papers to avoid. Oh well, if I ever need a pick me up I just look at this picture. Happy Holidays everyone.
Travis. Please don't kill me.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving? Already?

Wow, this year is flying by! I can't believe that I've been in Rochester for 3 and 1/2 months already. Nuts! I haven't been very good at keeping this thing update, but that's not a surprise to anyone I'm guessing :) Lets see, last time I wrote was before Diego, Travis, Mandy and Sophia came through. We had a gloriously relaxing time, which I was thankful for since A) I don't know of much to entertain around here and B) I think I needed to relax and slow down just as much as they did. We hit up the fabulous city market, did some exploring, and got some hot cider!

Yummy fresh veggies
The crew checkin things out
Sophia didn't get the "Lets slurp and look content" memo :)

It was a little cramped in my tiny studio with all five of us, but we got along just fine! There were only a few mishaps, the best, caused by me, is pictured here....

But over all I think that they would give the trip two thumbs up, well at least t-rave would.
Hey Mikey, he liked it!
It was really great to have them come through! I wish I could have gone on with them to NYC, looks like they had a blast down there as well. 

And I've also had another visitor, my bro, Travis. He came in to see me for Thanksgiving! We made our first ever turkey dinner. We just ended up doing the turkey breast, don't worry we named it Giblet, and we had mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and of course rolls. Travie had 3 rolls before we even finished cooking the rest of dinner haha. But it all turned out well, unbelievably, and we 'gobbled' it up. We also made a fantastic Kansas Dirt Cake (the remnants of which I will be having for dinner tonight). My supervisor from my internship invited us over to her place for dessert and football, so we took a 30 min siesta and then went over there. They were a blast to be around! The highlight was for sure her daughters super hyper dog, whose name was Optimus Prime:) The rest of his trip consisted mostly of eating and movie watching, two of our favs :) I'm so glad he came, Thanksgiving wouldn't have been the same without family or close friends! 

Our yummy spread
The next thing I have to look forward to is a trip back to KC in couple week for Josh and Amy's wedding! Super pumped for that! Until then, it's just the daily grind of making fabulous music with fabulous kids and learning more than I ever have before. What a rough life :)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Stressed, Refressed, and (unfortunately) Restressed

My slow decent from observation to being the one in charge at my internship recently turned into a mad downhill avalanche. I now, officially, have my first full case load! It includes: 5 individuals, 5 groups, 1 general edu music class, general band, steel drum band, chorus, and teaching trumpet, percussion, and steel drum lessons. The groups happen anywhere from once to three times a week. Needless to say, I'm slightly overwhelmed and stressed. Thankfully, my supervisors and fellow interns are awesome, and I truly enjoy what I do, otherwise I might be going a little nuts. Wait, who am I fooling, I am going a little nuts haha. So, yes, between learning new songs for my sessions, coming up with ways to keep my students engaged, learning how to actually play the instruments I'm giving lessons for, doing paperwork, and sleeping and eating, my life has gotten pretty busy.
Last weekend though, I was able to escape for a couple of days and drive down to South Bend, Indian for my cousin Jenna's wedding. It was SO GREAT to get to be with my family, even if only for roughly 48 hours. There was a ton of great people, food, and ridiculously corny jokes (made by my father of course) that I laughed way to hard at. The wedding was absolutely beautiful!!! It was at the Basilica on the Notre Dame campus. Here are some of my fav pics from the weekend. 

The Basilica ceiling, gorgeous!

My aunt and uncle watching their daughter get married :)

Two very studly men I found outside of the church

Me and my big bro!

The front doors of the Basilica

Our happy little Fort family
 We had a blast the entire weekend. One of the coolest things about the wedding was that the priest who married them, Father Steve Titus is actually our like 3rd cousin or something along those lines. He did an amazing job! He was super down to earth and relaxed and helped to keep the stress level down. One of the many highlights of the weekend was watching him contort his at least 6'4 self into my tiny car and refuse to scoot the seat back. I was laughing to the point of tears. Another highlight was getting to dance to "Super Freak" with my parents and aunt Linda and uncle Scotty at the reception. Now that's not something I could have ever imagined occurring in my lifetime haha, but I won't be forgetting it anytime soon haha. 
Now it's unfortunately back to the grind, planning, and practicing, and replanning. Thankfully, I have a group of friends coming in this weekend so I have some motivation to get things done so I can fully enjoy them being here! Also, I see that they are predicting the first snowfall for this coming Saturday, so there are bright visions of mittens and snowmen and hot coco in my future:)

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Ok, so I had such a crazy great morning I had to write about it. Most of the people that will be reading this are the same people that have been praying for me to find a good church home and community up here. Today marks exactly 2 months of living in Rochester. I've been on the church hunt since my first week here, going off of leads to sister churches to mine back in KC, KCBT, and recommendations of trusted friends and my supervisor at my internship. Last week I went to one that I finally felt could be a good fit. They seemed to have a lot of people around my age, something all the other churches I visited lacked, but first and foremost they preached Jesus in a truthful and relevant way. People brought their bibles, and actually opened them (gasp), and they appear to be all about missions and fellowship. They had a guest speaker, who was excellent, so I decided to go back this week and see how I felt about the senior pastor. Last night Jesus and I had a pretty deep heart to heart. I journaled like 9 pages about all the things that have been on my heart lately, things I'm learning, things I know I need to be learning, questions, doubts, fears, confessions, praises, you name it, it was in the chat :) But one of this things I earnestly asked was for confirmation as to whether or not this is the church he would have me stay at and that I would make some more friends. I said, "Lord, just let one person say hello to me." And I made up my mind that no matter what, I would get some guts and go to the welcome center after service and meet some people. So I'm pulling into the church this morning and I notice that the person in front of me has Nebraska plates. I think to myself, "Hmm, maybe this is another new comer." I basically swerve into oncoming traffic to see if the driver was a male or female, and sure enough, a young looking girl. I hear a tiny little voice inside my head say, "This is it, meet her." So I follow her and park just a couple cars down. This is when I start to doubt myself, I think "What am I gonna do? Tackle her and say- Hey, I was just stalking you in the parking lot, are you from the Midwest? Me too! Do you wanna be my friend?" And I realize that instead of being 10 mins late like I was the week before, I'm 15 mins early. What am I gonna do with these 15 mins? By the time I've thought all of this, she's out of her car and in the building. Way to go me. I saw she was wearing a white coat, so I think maybe I'll try and find her when I go in. I stay in my car and read some proverbs, you know for wisdom, and to kill time haha. I finally head in and find my way through a maze of halls to the sanctuary and plant myself more toward the middle than my usual back row choice, tryin to be bold here. I grab a "New Visitor" card and start to fill it out. Two girls who look around my age come sit right in front of me, and one of them turns and introduces herself, Nicole. She's wearing a white coat. She asks if its my first Sunday, and where I'm from. I say it's my second and that I'm from Kansas, to which she replies, "Oh really! I'm from Nebraska!" So even after my failure to be bold the Lord brings me to her anyway, but that's not all. She introduces me to her friend, Abbie, who just happens to be starting a small group for new people next week. God is too darn good to be sometimes. So we exchange emails, and they invite me to an event for college age people this Friday. After service, I use my new found confidence to go to the welcome center, and who do I see again, Nicole, she's part of the new comers ministry, good at it too I might add. I also meet two other young ladies that are planning to come to the event on Friday. 
Friends, fellowship, community. Ask and you shall recieve.