Thursday, April 14, 2011


Oh. My. Lanta. I don't think I've ever been so ready for a break! My poor lil brain is just barely producing enough brain juices to sustain life at this point ;) Ok so maybe it's not that bad, but I am sincerely excited to have all of next week off! I've got a ton of fun things planned for the weekend with friends here, and then on Monday I'm off to the STL to see the most fabulous Erica Oppelz. We plan to sleep, eat, and do nothing of significance for my whole trip. So pumped!
As for the internship, it's going really well. The kids all seem to know that a break is coming so they have gone a little more nuts than usual, but ya gotta just go with it. I had a group earlier today where my 3 students were simultaneously scripting (repeating phrases they've heard as a vocal stimulation). One student was saying, "I want to go on the bus" mind you it was 9 am, poor guy, the other was saying, "No music tomorrow" and we are all grateful that she in fact does not have music tomorrow, and the last was just saying, "No, no, no, no...." Can't you just picture me sitting there clutching my guitar with a smile plastered on my face attempting to regain control. My supervisor just looked up and laughed :) Thankfully, they finally calmed down, juuuuuust in time for me to sing the "Goodbye Song". Figures.
I'm hoping this break will give me the refreshment I need to think of some new songs and strategies so I don't bore the poor kids with the same thing over and over! I also hope it will give me the motivation to find a job....ya it's for sure that time.....I'll take all the prayers I can get in that department. Specifically, that it would pay insanely well and be located in a tropical area.....ok ok, just kidding. How about that it would pay well enough, and that it would be working with kids with special needs. Those are really my only two requirements :)
So just one more day to get through! Thinking about doing a musical obstacle course with my augmented music ed. class in the morning, we'll see how that goes :) Oh, also, I learned a fabulous new technique from my supervisor about how to get my classes quiet and calm: simply challenge them to see who can hold their breathe for a full minute. Worked like a charm.


  1. Last year we played Snickerdoodle to get the kids quiet. AKA the silent game with a different name. They were obsessed with it and begged to play it every day!

  2. Remember: One application before you leave for vacation! You can do it : ]
