Saturday, September 11, 2010

Week One: Dun Dun Dun

Well I feel the need to start this off with a confession. Something that's been weighing on me that I feel the need to share. On my way to my first day of my internship, I may, or may not, have listened to this to pump myself up. Oh wow, it feels good to just get that out there :) Now lets rewind to the night before my internship. I forced myself to lay down at around 10 and actively attempted to fall asleep at about 10:30, but no go. I laid there, starring at my ugly tile ceiling until about 12:30. I finally fell asleep only to be woken up by a rattling window a couple hours later. I got up shoved a magazine in the crack, like my mom showed me, and then, because it was just sitting there, popped a piece of candy in my mouth. As I tossed it up and tried to catch it, I spotted and saw a huge spider crawling on my previously mentioned ugly tile ceiling, which made it considerably uglier. I laid back down and attempted to fall asleep, but I couldn't shake the thought of the spider crawling over above me and lowering himself down my throat, (I most def sleep with my mouth WIDE open, so this fear was legit). So I gathered up all my courage and my brown moccasin and mounted a chair. Upon smashing the little bugger, it fell, presumably on me, which meant a full wardrobe change before I could attempt sleep again. As I finally laid back down I looked at the time, 2:17, ugh. I did eventually get back to sleep, but needless to say I was a little groggy the next morning. And it was that very grogginess (I think I just made that word up) that led to the excellent music choice displayed above. 
So I get there. I wander around the school, find where I need to go, my supervisors and one of the other interns, and we being our day of orientations and meetings and lame slide shows and lots of laughs. All of the music therapist that I will get to work with seem awesome, and the other two interns are just as sweet as can be. So even on minimal sleep, the company made what could have been an insanely boring day pretty great.
Day 2, which was the first day of school for the kids, did not go so great. I mean the kids were awesome, and I got to hang out with my main supervisor all day, who is seriously amazing, but I felt like crap. I think I over excited myself about the whole ordeal and by the end of the day had a horrible migraine. But I slept it off, and days 3 and 4 were exceptional. Because my supervisor is also a music educator, she has some just general music classes, so I got to meet the students that will be in those, and next week I'll meet the students that will be having music therapy sessions. During one class, we were listening to the iTunes top 10 most popular songs, just the 30 sec clips, and playing name that tune. The boy next to me wasn't doing so hot at naming any of the songs so he leaned over to me and said, "I don't listen to the radio, so I don't know any of these!" I told him that it was ok, that he should just make a good guess and that most of the time they sing the name of the song in the clip. He leaned in again, gave me a look with a sly little smile, and said "I don't listen to the 'ratio', maybe that'll give a hint as to what I'm interested in." I wanted to laugh so badly, but I couldn't, so we just talked about how much he loved math. I wanted to send him to my friend Mackenzie's math class, she would LOVE him! This same kid was playing a gigantic rain stick for a song and was asked to play at the beginning and the end. He replied, "I'm the beginning and the end, the Alpha and Omega!" Perfect. And like I said, my supervisor is amazing. She is a fabulous music therapist that is loved by everyone in the building, and she's a rock solid woman of God. Man have I been blessed! I anticipate learning and growing so much this year and I'm really excited (but not overly excited, that leads to migraines). I have a huge stack of IEP's to read through before Monday and a ton of guitar and piano practicing to do, but I've got some motivation so I'm going to run with it and hope it carries me through till June haha.


  1. You shouldn't feel the need to "confess" listening to that song. You should just "proclaim" it because it's stinkin awesome!

  2. yeahhhh! that kid sounds so dang awesome! I'm glad its going well, sounds like its just where you need to be. :)
    I also have an entire binder full of like 35 IEPs that i have had to look alive those things are long!
    love you!
    ps, can we skype soon?

  3. Woot IEPs! What a good song and way to start off the school year. Excited to see what the Lord is going to do with you! That kid sounds hilarious... Hope I get to visit you SOOON!

  4. I haven't laughed this deep in a while.
